CCVT2022 Keynote Speakers

Prof. Guoqiang Mao | 毛国强教授

IEEE Fellow,IET Fellow,“Top 1% most highly cited papers” (2011)

Xidian University, China | 西安电子科技大学

I joined Xidian University in 2020 as a Distinguished Professor, Dean of Reserach Institute of Smart Transportation Systems, vice-Dean of Guangzhou Research Institute, and vice-Director of the State Key Lab of Integrated Service Networks. Before that, I was a tenured Professor at the University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney.
I have published three books, three book chapters, and over 200 other papers in journals and refereed conference proceedings and these publications have been cited more than 10,000 times. Twelve of them were in the list of ESI highly cited publications. I have received and completed a number of competitive industrial and academic research grants from the Australian Research Council, National ICT Australia (Data61, CSIRO), Optus, DSTO, US Air Force Office of Scientific Research and Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Development, whose total value exceeds A million. In 2017, as a UTS research leader in Intelligent Transportation Systems, I took part in the iMove CRC application, which received 55 million Australian dollars over 10 years from the Australian Federal government matched with 179 million Australian dollars in cash and in-kind participant contributions. iMove CRC aims to exploit digital and evolving vehicle technologies to enable traffic to flow more smoothly, creating more efficient intermodal connections and offer real time choice to travelers and freight operators. The outcomes are reduced congestion, fuel use and emissions and improved national productivity and competitiveness. In 2019, as the lead Chief Investigator, I was awarded the National Key Research and Development Program of China "Integration and Implementation of Highways Intelligent Road-Vehicle Collaboration Systems", totaling ~¥120 million.
I am a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IET. I am a co-chair of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Society Technical Committee on Communication Networks (2013-2018), an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (since 2018), IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2014-2019) and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (since 2010). I received a number of academic awards.

Prof. Qinyu Zhang | 张钦宇教授


Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China | 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)

Dr.Qinyu Zhang (M’08–SM’13) received the bachelor’s degree in communication engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree in electronics and electrical engineering from the University of Tokushima, Japan, in 2003. From 1999 to 2003, he was an Assistant Professor with the University of Tokushima. He is now full professor with the Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen. His research interests include wireless communications, space communications, wireless networks and signal processing.

Prof. Kun Yang | 杨鲲教授

IET Fellow, 欧洲科学院院士

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China | 电子科技大学

杨鲲教授是电子科技大学国家特聘教授、英国Essex大学计算科学和电子工程学院主席教授、欧洲科学院院士、欧洲科学与艺术院院士,主要研究兴趣包括:无线网络和通信、未来互联网技术、无线数据和能量一体化通信网络、通信与计算融合技术等。他在国际核心9期刊和主要会议发表论文400多篇,授权国际和国内发明专利20多项,是入选斯坦福大学发布的2020年“全球前2%顶尖科学家”,谷歌学术引用近万次。IEEE InterCloud (云互联)创始成员及六个执行常委之一,世界移动大会WMC GLOMO大奖的评审专家,多个IEEE期刊副编辑,IEEE通信协会杰出演讲者(2020-2021),并多次获得IEEE主流会议的最佳论文奖。